Saturday, November 24, 2007

BSG "Razor" commercial break 3

L: Who's in charge when all the ship's officers are drinking wine at once? Ooh, I like how sneaky 6 is: "In the end, we're all just human."

This took us to commercial: "It's been revealed. Helena Cain and [the 6] are lovers. Brought to you by Quiznos."

L&E: Awesome!

E: Mmm, lots of intrigue. Lesbians are a new theme. We've never addressed sexual preference except for those toaster-lovers like Helo.

L: Also, the doctor slept with two cylons at once.

E: Bad tactical decisions are a running theme. Admiral Cain decides to (inexplicably) launch an attack on vastly superior cylon forces when the Pegasus's guns are down. Am I the only one who smells foul play when we are mysteriously locked out of the gun controls?

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