Friday, July 4, 2008

Sometimes I have to wonder...

My sleep last night was most rudely interrupted by a horrific nightmare. Without explanation, I was being beat up by mimes. Yes, mimes. Let's take a look at these criminals:

See? Horrifying. Throughout the encounter, I was bludgeoned with imaginary implements. And they hurt. They were the worst sort of bully, because they never told me what they were after. It was a silent terror. I tried to give them my money, but they were after something else. Maybe they wanted my identity.


Lila is a complex system. said...

Maybe they were trying to teach you about safe sex. It must be frustrating to mime such lessons, so they simply resorted to beating the concept into you. Literally.

Ernie said...

I'm sad to say I just noticed the allusion to Terry Tate, Office Linebacker!