Friday, October 24, 2008

A webcomic recommendation

It's comics like this that remind me how much I enjoy the conflux of mysticism and teenage love in Gunnerkrigg Court. The story enchants while keeping the world veiled in a thin layer of WTF-is-going-on-here on top.

I think fantasy storytelling is all about the combination and balance of good surprises and good explanations. Surprises draw the reader in and explanations make the story worthwhile. On one hand, we could consider Lost, a show with many surprises, few explanations, and no satisfying conclusions. On the other, we have The Matrix Revolutions, a movie full of explanations about things no one cared about. Both fail at good storytelling, but in my opinion Lost definitely comes out ahead.

But what am I talking about? Go read Gunnerkrigg Court: you'll like it.

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