Friday, March 20, 2009

BSG finale: commercial break 7

"How is that possible? Human beings naturally evolved on a planet billions of light years away. The odds against that are astronomical." Yes they are. Listen to that gut feeling. This is not entirely satisfactory writing.

"Our brains have always outraced our hearts. Our science charges ahead. Our souls lag behind." Too rhetorical. I can't believe that. (Plus, it sounds like some theories I've heard of jetlag: waiting for your soul to catch up.)

Setting the centurions free? BAD IDEA. Sometime in my 30s our planet will be overrun with centurion descendants!

Why fly the ships into the sun? Now if the other group of cylons comes back, they have to defend themselves with sticks! Just leave them in orbit! For crying out loud! I guess it's ok because they're ending the program; otherwise, that would be the first episode of the next season.

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