Friday, August 29, 2008


It seems that there are four Ernest Fonteses in the US and only three live in my family.

I hold two great disappointments from this matter. Not only I am not unique outside of the equivalence class of my family, but I also cannot live up to my lofty aspirations of living off the grid.

1 comment:

Lila is a complex system. said...

Don't "red herring" Ernest Fonteses mean that it would be easier for you to live off the grid (because you could slightly alter your already-released data to make it seem like them -- even easier since that sometimes happens by accident)?

On the other hand, you are definitely on the grid (this blog, the FHM Library, the family cell plan in your name, various credit and ID cards).

You're so on the grid, you dream in Cartesian! (Burn!)